Nikon FG | Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 AI-S with PB-5 Bellows
Ilford Delta 3200

Nikon FG | Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 AI-S
EliteChrome 64T

Nikon FG | PB-5 Bellows + Rokinon 28-80 mm f/2.8-4 MC Auto
UltraMax 400

Nikon FG | Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 AI-S
Porta 400

Nikon FG | Zoom Nikkor 35-200mm f/3.5-4.5 AI-S
Elitechrome 400

Using FPP's ultra low ISO, film is rated for 1.6 ISO, yes you heard that right ONE POINT SIX! I had to use a quick lens, I picked my 50mm Nikon E Series Prime lens, this lens opens all the way up to f/1.8 which helped immensely with shake reduction. My Nikon FG only meters to 12 ISO so I had compensate and add some stops.
Nikon FG | Nikon Series E 50mm F/1.8
FPP Color Low ISO (1.6 ISO)

I bought a bellows unit a long with the PB-6 slide copier adapter. After successfully doing my first duplication I decided to get some macros wit the bellows unit.
Nikon FG + Bellows
UltraMax 400

Roll expired sometime around 2006, I don't have an exact date so I metered for about 700 ISO in compensation.
Nikon FG | Zoom Nikkor 35-200mm f/3.5-4.5 AI-S
Superia X-TRA 800 @ 700 ISO