New River Gorge Bridge | West Virginia | 3-23-2023
What An exciting location to be shooting film! The majority of this roll was shot at New River Gorge Bridge in West Virginia, everything else was shot in Fayette County. I switched lenses out quite a few times for this.
Nikon FA | several lenses
CineStill 400D

Thurmond, WV | 3-19-2023
A historic railway town in the New River Gorge, West Virginia. I got SUPER lucky and got to see a freight train passing down! I'm surprised that even Amtrak makes it down here!
Nikon FA | Nikon Series E 50mm F/1.8
Adox CHS 100 II

Park of Roses | 3-5-2023
First flower pics of the year!
Nikon FA | Zoom-NIKKOR 28-50mm F3.5
Elitechrome 200 @ 170 ISO