I shot half of this roll on my Nikkor PB-5 Bellows system, was able to get a fly trapped for my first insect macro photoshoot! I can't imagine how difficult it'd be to use the bellows on a living and moving specimen...
Nikon FA | Nikon Series E 50mm F/1.8
EliteChrome 200

I wish we went out earlier in the day so we'd have more sunlight for these portraits! E-6 slide film tends to clip out the blacks and shadows really hard, so you need to account for that when metering!
Nikon FA | Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 AI-S
Ektachrome E100

More experiments with doing macros on my Nikkor PB-5 Bellows focusing system!
Nikon FA | Nikon Series E 50mm F/1.8
FujiFilm C200

Okay but who let the dog in :/
Nikon FA | Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 AI-S
EliteChrome 100S

A throwaway roll I took on C200
Nikon FA | Nikon Series E 50mm F/1.8
FujiFilm C200

Going incognito into the backrooms!
Olympus XA2
CineStill 800T

Expired film comes out with a red color shift; I have also uploaded the color corrected versions side by side.
Nikon FA | Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 AI-S
Expired 1995 Velvia 50 ISO